Create an AWS Network Firewall Endpoint in Terraform

How to create an AWS Network firewall endpoint in terraform

When I was reading the docs about how to setup AWS Network firewall e.g.


they show you need a “firewall endpoint”. From experience, typically when this is the case there will be a corresponding Terraform resource that you’ll need to create (which I expected would link to the firewall itself via some reference)

For AWS Network firewall endpoints (after I wasted a fair amount of time searching for it 🤦), this turns out not to be the case…

In fact, they are automatically/implicitly created by the aws_networkfirewall_firewall resource for each of the subnets in the subnet_mapping block

resource "aws_networkfirewall_firewall" "example" {
  name                = "example"
  firewall_policy_arn = aws_networkfirewall_firewall_policy.example.arn
  vpc_id              =

  dynamic "subnet_mapping" {
    for_each = toset(aws_subnet.firewall)
    content {
      subnet_id =
  tags = {
    Tag1 = "Value1"
    Tag2 = "Value2"

locals {
  endpoint_ids = flatten(aws_networkfirewall_firewall.example.firewall_status[*].sync_states[*].attachment[*])[*].endpoint_id

See for how to access the attributes of aws_networkfirewall_firewall