Running pip-tools in docker

There are a number of great CLI tools that help us to manage our packages, e.g. pip-tools or pipenv for python and npm for nodejs, that provide some useful functionality, including the ability to snapshot the exact versions of packages installed, with versions and hashes of the code, from a high level specification of the requirements.

Typically, one wants to save the file that stores these versions in a version control system (e.g. git) with the code, so that the runtime environment of the code is reproducible.

When running your application in docker, this becomes non-trivial, because one can not export files while building a docker image (i.e. there is no inverse of the COPY or ADD instructions). It has to be extracted after the images is build and ran as a container, which can be a little complicated to work into a development or CI/CD workflow.

pip-tools in docker

The following illustrates a minimal example setup for running pip-tools (pip-compile, pip-sync) within docker, while writing the file back to the host system, where it could be committed to git


FROM python:3.10-slim-bullseye AS build_requirements


WORKDIR /opt/requirements

 # TODO: remove when fixed
RUN pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir \
    'pip<22' \
    setuptools \
    wheel \


ENTRYPOINT ["pip-compile", "--generate-hashes"]

# importantly the pip compile environment (OS, python versions, etc) should be the same
# as the container you are trying to build, so  
FROM build_requirements

ARG REQUIREMENTS_FILE='requirements.txt'

WORKDIR /opt/work


RUN pip-sync ${REQUIREMENTS_FILE} --pip-args '--no-cache-dir --no-deps'

# make sure to overwrite the entrypoint


MAKEFILE_PATH := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
MAKEFILE_DIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(MAKEFILE_PATH)))

.PHONY: default
    @echo "This make file won't do anything by default, run a specific target"

.PHONY: docker-pip-compile-build
    docker build \
    --target build_requirements  \
    --tag build-requirements \

.PHONY: requirements.txt
requirements.txt: docker-pip-compile-build
    docker run --rm \
    --mount source=$(MAKEFILE_DIR),target=/opt/requirements,type=bind \
    --env CUSTOM_COMPILE_COMMAND='make requirements.txt' \
    build-requirements \
    --upgrade --verbose

.PHONY: docker-build
    docker build \
    --tag actual \

with this set up one can write a and create (or upgrade) the requirements.txt file with

make requirements.txt

and then build the docker image with it

make docker-build

Alternative implementation

One could have used docker cp to copy the requirements.txt file out of a container after the image has been created from a dockerfile that COPY’s in the file and runs pip-compose and pip-sync. This approach though would have given less flexibility for manual adjustment of the pip-compile command run.

Controlling the flags and config of pip-compile can allow for more modular modification of the snapshot requirements, which is a desirable property as it can help manage the amount of changes that need to be tested, or code that needs to be adapted to breaking changes